To be honest, I dread white elephant gift exchanges. I don’t think the rules are ever clear and most of the time, I end up taking something home that is extremely quirky that I’ll throw on my “re-gift shelf” (I know you have one too). For this gift guide, I wanted to make sure I included things that were both quirky AND functional. Something that could actually be used, but also get a laugh or two when it gets opened.
- Waxed Canvas Lunch Bag – At first glance, it will look like the recipient is getting punked with a regular old brown paper bag, but this is actually made out of waxed canvas and feels extremely durable. It makes for a great lunch bag!
- Shower Wine Holder – Ok, this is probably the most kitchy thing on the list, but I thought it was too funny not to include. I can also name a handful of my friends who would actually use this, so I can’t say it’s not functional.
- Vintage Style Caboodle – Raise your hand if you remember your very first Caboodle. I love that these are making a comeback! It will bring back waves of nostalgia, while also providing some serious organization for makeup & beauty products.
- Aesop Post-Poo Drops – I think the words written on the bottle of these drops are what make it so fitting for a white elephant gift. “In instances where vigorous activity has occurred in the bathroom, dilute several drops of this carefully crafted product in the toilet bowl after flushing, for the benefit of all subsequent visitors.” They smell AMAZING by the way!
- Mini Heart Waffle Maker – I could imagine people really fighting over this one. It makes the cutest little mini waffles in just a few minutes. Adorable and functional all at the same time.
- Blue Light Glasses – We’ve all seen everyone on instagram sporting these blue light blocking glasses. I’d love to try them, but I don’t know if I’d ever order them on my own. I’d definitely fight for them in a white elephant exchange, though.
- Mistaken Lyric Coasters – We all have that friend that can never get the words right when singing a song. These pay homage to them, but also serve another purpose of keeping sweat rings off your coffee table.
- Nevertheless She Persisted Puzzle – I love a good puzzle, especially around the holidays. This one is so creative and features some of the most empowering women in history.
- Bloody Mary Diagram Glassware – This set of glasses includes a diagram on the side so you know exactly how much of each ingredient to include. I love this gift because I feel like a Bloody Mary is something you make at home just every once in a while, making it easy to forget the recipe. Having a cheat sheet right on the glass makes life easy!
- Tweexy Wearable Nail Polish Bottle – Whoever opens this is probably going to have a “wtf” look on their face. It’s not immediately apparent what this is, but once they figure it out, they will be trying their darnedest to hang on to it. It holds a bottle of nail polish, making it easier to complete your at home manicure.
- Frank Body Original Coffee Srub – This really only qualifies as a white elephant gift because of the risky/funny things written on the packaging of this ahhhmayzing coffee scrub. I’ve used this for over a year, and can fully vouch for it being a great exfoliator.